Hi beauties! 
So I have to begin by saying I will be more active to in my blog. Some people that know me might ask themselves why, But this blog is to explain why I will vlog but I wont do it  as much. 

If you want to see my YouTube channel You can check it out here.

You can also follow me on Social Media.

So now to my blog. 
I have wanted to do this for a while, but I never have a chance. I still dont have a chance and I will do some videos. There is so much DRAMA on YouTube lately it has made me not want to do it. 
I remember I first got inspired to do YouTube because it was a learning platform. I understand that all the people with the large audience cash out on this platform, I dont blame them. 
I rember a lot of people used to ask me to teach them how I did my makeup, so much that one day one of my ex coworkers told me to record it for her. 
Now I did it and when she saw it she told me to put in online so others could learn. This was like in 2009 or even before. 
I miss the girls like me that purchased their own stuff and did giveaways with no sponsership. I miss the makeup swaps from people that are not famos. I am aware people were sponsered in the pass, but not as much as they are now. Dont take me wrong Im glad all these MUA's are her to teach us how to do things but the cost of makeup now a days is reduculus. 

I know I go on and on about this but even NYX lipliners used to be $1 and they were good, they are good now but they also used videos as promotion, it is all about promotion instead of teaching us how to by a person that is not payed to do a video. 
I get it, its great to be given something and talk about in on film I have done that myself, but there are people that get payed to bring all this to us regular people all the time and dont even like the products. 

Now the drama between youtubers is so bad now, all channels are starting to be Drama channels and everyone is doing them . The beauty community has changed to much , at first if was funny and a to watch a video here and there was fun.... Now its daily drama and I dont know if they are honest reviews or payed. I am glad there are some people are doing makeup and others are so harsh on them. I'm not saying that I wont vlog or do videos but now a days its too much drama for me. 

#YouTube #beautygurus #2016 #drama #beauty #Gurudrama #youtubedrama #vlog #bog 


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